Morphing Identity: Exploring Self-Other Identity Continuum through Interpersonal Facial Morphing Experience
We explored continuous changes in self-other identity by designing an interpersonal facial morphing experience where the facial images of two users are blended and then swapped over time. Both users’ facial images are displayed side by side, with each user controlling their own morphing facial images, allowing us to create and investigate a multifaceted interpersonal experience. To explore this with diverse social relationships, we conducted qualitative and quantitative investigations through public exhibitions. We found that there is a window of self-identification as well as a variety of interpersonal experiences in the facial morphing process. From these insights, we synthesized a Self-Other Continuum represented by a sense of agency and facial identity. This continuum has implications in terms of the social and subjective aspects of interpersonal communication, which enables further scenario design and could complement findings from research on interactive devices for remote communication.
Concept and Research
– Shunichi Kasahara (Sony CSL)
– Shunichi Kasahara (Sony CSL)
– Kye Shimizu (Sony CSL )
– Naoto Ienaga(Keio University)
Technical Assistant
– Kazuma Takada(Sony CSL)
– Maki Sugimoto(Keio University)
– Taku Tanichi (Sony CSL / KMD Embodied Media)
Kye Shimizu, Santa Naruse, Jun Nishida, and Shunichi Kasahara. 2023. Morphing Identity: Exploring Self-Other Identity Continuum through Interpersonal Facial Morphing Experience. In Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’23), April 23– 28, 2023, Hamburg, Germany. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 15 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3544548.3580853
Shunichi Kasahara and Kazuma Takada. 2021. Stealth Updates of Visual Information by Leveraging Change Blindness and Computational Visual Morphing. ACM Trans. Appl. Percept. 18, 4, Article 23 (October 2021), 17 pages. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3486581
Special Exhibition ‘You and Robots / What is it to be Human?’, 2022.3.18 – 8,31, The National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation
Media Ambition Tokyo (MAT). 2021.5.12WED– 6.8TUE, Tokyo City View, 52F, Roppongi Hills Mori Tower
Sony Park Exhibition”Research for the Future of Humanity“. 2021.07.24-2021.08.10. Ginza Sony Park